Many have the preconceived idea that Amish novels are for women only... absolutely not true!
Amish life is very rugged.
My novels focus on realistic Amish family-farm life. It might be true that many Amish novels are romantic fiction about a young couple on the cusp of marriage. Men might find that as interesting as women. I do! However, my novels have romance, and much more.
I love stories about the "old days." This is what drew me to get acquainted with my Amish neighbors and to buy my own team of workhorses. What better setting for a novel than an Amish farm? My books have that days-gone-by feel, yet, it could take place today.
I write about what I love.
Horses are at least a part of every one of my novels because they are a huge part of Amish life. How can an Amish story ring true without clear descriptions of farm life. My books portray realism. Amish homes are filled with children and include elderly folks. Therefore, my stories do too! Amish people fall in love, date, and get married. My characters do too!
I like to think, my novels are rugged enough for a man, but sweet enough for a woman.
Click here to learn about each novel: Thomas Nye's Books
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Under the Heavens is all about real-life on an Amish farm. From working with horses to courting.
The Amish Menorah is a collection of short stories each written by a male author of Amish fiction.
If you prefer to read on a Kindle or Nook, my books are all available as eBooks.
Thomas Nye on Amazon
Thomas Nye on Barnes and Noble
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