Monday, July 22, 2024

Horse Eclipse

 Creation never ceases to fill my heart with awe.

This photo was shot after a thunderstorm passed over our acreage. The sky lit up with more than a rainbow; gleaming light shot out like the spokes of a huge wheel.

After further research, I discovered this phenomenon is created through perspective. Just as when you stand on a road, it seems huge underfoot but narrows as the road disappears into the horizon. 

These light beams are straight lines of light narrowing as they disappear into the horizon. 

Cool huh?

Solar and lunar eclipses are another phenom of creation. The size of the sun, earth, and moon are vastly different, yet all three appear almost identical during an eclipse. This is because of perspective as well.

This is by design. The chances of this occurring "accidentally" are astronomical. 

I started noticing my horses form an eclipse of their own. Karla is a smaller horse and like the moon, she often eclipses Mushka ( bright as the sun) as they graze. 

My grandchildren love these horses, and don't mind that Grandpa has an unmatched team. 

In fact, when I had a matched team they struggled to remember which horse was which. 

There is no identity confusion with this salt and pepper team. 

Notice how Karla is eclipsing Mushka.

Even in harness, there is an eclipse.

I hope you enjoy my concept of a Horse Eclipse. 

Horses are just one part of creation that awes my soul. My draft horses are so huge and yet so gentle. You can credit a million years of natural selection or acknowledge the kindness of a creator designing some creatures to be people-friendly. Both concepts take a great deal of faith. 

I choose to thank my Creator. 


  1. Beautiful! I agree with a very kind Creator!

  2. Wow that all is so awesome, Tom. Thank you for sharing this amazing concept. And then adding your sweet grands into the mix.

  3. Wonderful concept, beautifully articulated. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  4. Really a beautiful capture of the light! Almost a beautiful as your grandchildren's smiles!
