
Description of Books

This series is available as eBooks: $2.99 each. Thomas Nye on Amazon

The Amish Horses Book Series

To buy a copy directly from the author click here: Order a Book

Imagine... your Amish grandpa invites you to come and spend a summer on the farm. Lenny isn't excited about it, until...
he gets to know Grandpa's amazing horses and meets a neighbor girl...

Under the Heavens, Book I

        A teenage boy spends a summer on his Amish grandfather’s farm. Grandpa yearns to help Lenny find life’s true meaning by inviting him to come to spend a summer with him. Having grown up as a city boy, he enters the Amish community filled with fear, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Lenny’s uncle and large family also live on his grandpa’s farm and don’t receive him well. He feels unwelcome and alone until Grandpa uses his awe-inspiring draft horses as a way to reach this withdrawn boy.
       Grandpa teaches Lenny how to do horse-powered farm work with his stable full of personable horses, and each of these big animals stretches Lenny’s character in different ways. He slowly begins to conquer his fear of God, storms, horses, and his relatives. An Amish neighbor girl catches Lenny's eye, sparking a romance. The reader is taken along on a ride through Amish farmlands in descriptive narratives that make you feel as if you are in a horse-drawn wagon or riding on a plow. Enchanting, moonlit buggy rides bring you home from Amish youth gatherings.
  The tension that has been building all summer comes to a head. Having an outsider on the farm pushes Lenny’s Amish relatives to the limit. Just when it seems everything is about to fall apart, the most unexpected events change Lenny forever.

Click on the words below to purchase your copy

     Catbird Singing, Book II

         Lenny Gingerich leaves the interstate during a storm and finds himself 100 years in the past, or so it seems. An accident leaves him stranded on an Amish farm. Within days, he is driving a six-horse hitch and caught up in an old-fashioned love triangle. Bishop Mose tells Lenny to stay away from the girls, but try as he might, that is not easy. Lenny and his sidekick, a dog named Russell, both have a knack for getting themselves into trouble, and everything becomes a tangled mess. While farming with horses, Lenny hears a catbird singing beautiful spring songs, which turn into an annoying meow as summer heats up. Life becomes difficult for a young man who doesn’t understand catbirds or Amish girls.

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        Catbird Singing

Autumn is a beautiful time on an Amish farm. Living among his Amish relatives, Lenny experiences peace and tranquility deep inside. His friends and neighbors share a gentle wisdom through their actions more than with words. The dark swirling waters of the English River flow through the woods just beyond Uncle Noey's farm, stirring up questions in Lenny's heart. Could it be that falling into those turbulent waters will help him understand himself and find answers for his future? Unfortunately, his plunge into deep water creates a ripple effect for everyone around him. Join Lenny as he discovers that life, just beyond the English River, can be wonderful.

Amazon link: English River

Entertaining. Endearing. Unexpected.

A story of clashing cultures, hearts laid bare, and the power of forgiveness.

Delilah steps out of the pages of a bestselling Amish novel and into the real world. When media giants discover that she's alive and well, the race to find her is on. A young man named Dave sets out with inside information, hoping to get to her first and cash in. 
Dave searches the pages of the novel to be certain he has the right girl. Real life begins to merge with fiction, and Dave suddenly realizes that he has fallen into the story and become Samson. Worse yet, he fears he is on a collision course with the novel's wild ending.
           Amazon link: Samson and Amish Delilah

A story of heartbreak, hope, and the importance of friendship, family, and true love.

Leaving behind the crowds of Chicago and a failed relationship, author Timothy Hayes enters the Amana Colonies hoping to escape reality and find inspiration for a novel. Smalltown Iowa proves an epic failure with social distancing. Social awkwardness, however, is at an all-time high as a host of quirky neighbors crowd Tim's personal space. A beautiful photograph of an Amana woman becomes an inspiration for his writing. As he gazes into her eyes, she seems to stir and come to life. Past and present collide when Elise steps out of the photograph and into Tim's life. What part of reality will Remain True?

                   Amazon link for Remain True

An old fence separates a modern community from their Amish neighbors until a little boy opens the gate and breaks down barriers between them. The main characters, Matt and Eli, find friendship, hope, and a future through a mutual need, which creates an opportunity for them to learn to understand each other. Eli and his little sisters will touch your heart by Whispering to Horses.

Amazon link: Whispering to Horses

To order directly from the author, send a check or M.O. to Thomas Nye
P.O. Box 495
Kalona, IA 52247

Book I Under the Heavens $15
Book II  Catbird Singing $15
Book III   English River $15
Samson and Amish Delilah $15
Whispering to Horses  $7
Amish Park    $7
                                                                                                    Springs of Love $11
                                                                                                 Love's Thankful Heart $11
                                                                                                 Plain Everyday Heroes $11
                                                                                                  The Amish Menorah  $11
                                                                             Men of Amish Fiction Christmas Collection $11                                                                                                                               
(Shipping and Handling) $5 for the first book, add $1 per each additional book.

(If you are outside of the USA, shipping will vary. If you want to order a book, please send an email to )

Amish Park
 -What a difference one week can make- Pete and Lisa Heller have already decided to end their marriage-long fight with a divorce. However, their 10-year-old daughter has another plan. Natalie believes that Amish Park, a theme resort offering guests a realistic experience on an Amish farm, might be the answer to all her family’s problems. Her 16-year-old sister, Carrie, is uninterested and absorbed with her phone until the power fades and an Amish lantern sheds new light. The Heller family gets a little more than they bargained for when their aging tour guide uses a team of draft horses to soften Pete’s hard heart. Slip on your work boots and join the Heller family’s Amish vacation, an unexpected journey to a better place.
Amazon link: Amish Park

Cowboys and Amish Girls
(Thomas Nye's story)

Rodeo cowboy, Truman Gunderson, didn’t know any Amish girls. Amish sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity, had yet to lay eyes on a real, live cowboy. That is until Truman’s galloping horse crosses paths with Charity’s runaway buggy. Truman is not the type to shy away from any challenge, but after he learns something about Faith, Hope, and especially Charity, he realizes that he has met his match.

The Thanksgiving Frolic
(Thomas Nye's story)

 Monroe has the prettiest girl and the fastest horse— but pride goes before a fall.

Monroe's girlfriend, Rosemary, and her family organize the Thanksgiving Frolic, a service project to help Amish folks who have fallen on hard times. Monroe wants to go along, but his dad won't let him. Furthermore, Monroe's dad thinks Rosemary's family should clean up their own messy farm before they try to help others. Will the contrast between Monroe's and Rosemary's families end their relationship for good? Rosemary's grandpa tries to offer words of wisdom, but people don’t take him seriously. The Thanksgiving Frolic heats up to a fever pitch before a moment of silence changes everything.
Amazon link: Love's Thankful Heart

Racing the Slow Girls
(Thomas Nye's Story)
A recipe for fast-paced, comical Amish adventure
Ingredients: Three fun-loving teenage boys on bicycles, an adorable little girl on a pony, a few spunky teenage girls, and a hint of romance. Directions: Place the characters in a beautiful setting, such as Holmes Co, Ohio, and roll in the boys on bikes. Stir up a few harsh words spoken carelessly. Add plenty of retaliation by the girls. Place in the heat of a family emergency until everyone is completely undone. Sit back and enjoy an Amish adventure with a cup of coffee.

Amazon link: Plain Everyday Heroes

The Silo
(Thomas Nye's Story)

A close-knit Amish family falls into hard times when a new neighbor jumps to conclusions.
Join the Chupp family as they and their community grow through some hard lessons about the importance of learning to understand people before judging them.

Barnes & Noble

Holiday Harness Shop
(Thomas Nye's Story)
Titus and Verna passed the family farm down to the next generation. They moved to the grandpa house but continued to operate a harness shop at the homeplace.
Customers and grandchildren keep life interesting in the harness shop during the Christmas season.

Listen to an interview with Thomas Nye
Click here: Buggy Talk Podcast


  1. HI Tom, lovely website you have here. I enjoy hearing your voice in your writing and some great pictures of your horses. Looking forward to seeing your book. We have a couple of new horses here Coco - half Arab and a throughbred Moon. We are so blessed to have horses in our lives.
    Thanks for sharing and good luck with your book.

    1. Hello Blane, I finally saw this note! Glad to hear about your new horses, and I suspect you have seen plenty of pictures of mine, on here.
      My Horse Coke, was actually named Coco but the Amish man I bought her from told me, "We always called her Coke, like the pop." You are right, horses are a huge blessing! Hope to see you in person again sometime!

