
Monday, February 15, 2021

Cold Cold Cold

Unbelievable cold gripped the U.S.A.

Nobody felt it more than livestock and Amish farm families.

Life must go on.
Jobs are to be done. Cattle and horses need to be fed. School continues. 

Laundry washed and dried.

Even fun and games and building snowmen are part of winter life.
Some people love the cold... especially snowmen!
Windmills use sub-zero breezes the same as any other.
Errands must be run. The only heat in a buggy is body heat or a heated brick underfoot, or a potato in the pocket. 

 Spring will come. Hopefully, soon!

1 comment:

  1. Here too, I look so forward to spring! The farm looks beautiful with the snow! I'd love to have a buggy ride!
