
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Clouds and Fields (Part 2)

As promised, here are a few more Clouds and Fields photos. These pics are the result of Sunday afternoon/evening drives through Amish farmlands near our home.
Unfortunately, I've been discouraged lately because one of my horses has come up lame. Karma ranks in the top three of my all-time-favorite horses. (I've owned over thirty) She may even be the best horse I've ever been blessed to have. We've had multiple visits from veterinarians and still not much progress. Karma is twenty-years-old and although that is getting "up there" for a horse, I am hoping for another ten years.

On a brighter note, my wife and I spotted these Amish boys driving a pony cart a few weeks back. There are four little guys about eight to ten-years-old jammed onto that buggy seat.
Both photos, above and below, were snapped near the iconic Cheese Factory and well-known Amish store String Town. The Cheese Factory has a new name and ownership but the Kalona, Iowa locals still use the old name when giving directions. The pasture below has a few buggy horses grazing with a couple of ponies. This is a common sight in Amish country. There is no better way to learn how to drive a buggy horse than playing around with ponies.
A massive cloud hanging over the Amish farm (below) almost looks angelic.
Just over a year ago a tornado swirled like a demon about where the angel cloud is hanging.
Iowa scenery can be rather repetitive. Everchanging clouds have a way of making each day unique. A herd of cows walking along the ridge in this last photo move along as slowly as the clouds.
I hope you enjoyed our relaxing drive through Amish farmlands.

(An update on my horse "Karma") She had an abscess in one hoof and is recovering. Unfortunately, we saw in an x-ray that she has "ringbone" in her ankles, the horse equivalent to arthritis. The double issue accentuated her problem and left us confused about what was the matter. She will be okay but old age is slowing her down. 

Would you enjoy more cloud pics? Click on this link 2019 Sunset Tour to see October 2019 pics.