
Friday, April 5, 2019

Samson and Amish Delilah: Cover Reveal

 Scroll down to see the full cover!

Official release date: August 19th.

I'm more excited than I can say about this book. It is quite different from anything else I've written.

Below: the binding and back cover

A Story of clashing cultures, hearts laid bare, and the power of forgiveness.

Delilah steps out of the pages of a bestselling Amish novel and into the real world. When media giants discover that she's alive and well, the race to find her is on. A young man named Dave sets out with inside information, hoping to get to her first and cash in. He's as surprised as everybody that there's more than one Amish Delilah-- can he be sure that he's found the right girl?

Dave searches the pages of the novel to be certain he has the right Delilah. Real life begins to merge with fiction and Dave suddenly realizes that he has fallen into the story and become Samson. Worse yet, he fears he is on a collision course with the novel's wild ending.

Cultures collide as big media comes face-to-face with Amish family values. Dave and Delilah are caught in a vice between two worlds. Will they sell out for the almighty dollar?

Coming soon in paperback and eBook 

August 19th

To order your copy click here: Amazon: Samson and Amish Delilah

Direct from the Publisher:CrossLink: Samson and Amish Delilah


  1. Looking forward to reading it!

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I can't wait to hear what readers think of it.
