
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Let Me Open the Gate

Here is my favorite picture I've ever snapped. This little Amish boy is opening the gate for the girl on horseback. I'm assuming she is his older sister.

My good friend, Lue Shetler, took me on a scenic tour of Amish country Ohio. We saw parts of Holmes and Wayne Counties. The area is breathtaking.

If you are like me, and find driving past Amish farms to be one of life's most entertaining and peaceful pastimes, then you need to visit this part of Ohio.
Everywhere we turned, we saw something wonderful and/or interesting. As you can guess by my blog title, I love Amish horses, especially workhorses. I was completely in my element.

I told my friend, Lue, "This drive will be the inspiration behind my next novel."

These draft horses and draft mules were enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon about as much as I was.
 Hopefully, I've opened the gate just enough to encourage you to head into Amish country. Check out my books, they are all designed to take you on a virtual tour of an Amish farm.
Here is a link: Thomas Nye on Amazon
At first, the books look expencive, don't let that scare you away. They are available for much less if you scroll down. (click on the small words that say, "more buying choices" or "new and used") All of my novels are available as eBooks as well.

Isn't this about the most inviting road you've ever seen. Drive on ahead, I promise you won't be disappointed.


  1. Great pictures, Tom! I'm hoping to get to Ohio this fall, so I'll look forward to seeing this. Thanks for sharing! Sorry I missed you at Horse Progress Days!

    1. Thanks, Rachel, you will LOVE this beautiful area! Maybe we'll meet up at a future Horse Progress Days. ������
