
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Amish Park (revealed)

 Once you've clicked on the picture all you need to do is scroll down to see the full cover revealed

Be sure to continue scrolling to read more about Amish Park, a novel.

-What a difference one week can make- 
         Pete and Lisa Heller have already decided to end their marriage long fight with a divorce. However, their 10-year-old daughter has another plan. Natalie believes that Amish Park, a theme resort offering guests a realistic experience on an Amish farm, may be the answer to all her family’s problems. Her 16-year-old sister, Carrie, is uninterested and absorbed with her phone until the power fades and an Amish lantern sheds new light. The Heller family gets a little more than they bargained for when their aging tour guide uses a team of draft horses to soften Pete’s heart. Slip on your work boots and join the Heller family’s Amish vacation; an unexpected journey to a better place.

        (Amish Park is a fictitious theme park. It would be fun if there was a real place like it!)

Amish Park, a novel, will be released this October, through Dove Christian Publishers
Keep up to date by following this blog or Thomas Nye on Facebook.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cowboys and Amish Girls

What happens when a rodeo cowboy crosses paths with an Amish girl in a runaway buggy?

Truman (the cowboy) is trying to figure out what went wrong between him and his cowgirl, and how he can win her back.

Charity (the Amish girl) is wondering why she isn't like most Amish girls.

When Truman and Charity began to offer each other advice, sparks fly, and it turns into a comedy!

Charity's dad says, "Cowboys and Amish girls are like vinegar and oil, they don't mix!"

Truman tries his cowboy tricks on Charity's ornery horse. Charity's brothers pull a few tricks on their cowboy visitor.
Join this vinegar and oil duo on an unexpected adventure, in Cowboys and Amish Girls.

Cowboys and Amish Girls, one of three fun stories in...
Springs of Love

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Let Me Open the Gate

Here is my favorite picture I've ever snapped. This little Amish boy is opening the gate for the girl on horseback. I'm assuming she is his older sister.

My good friend, Lue Shetler, took me on a scenic tour of Amish country Ohio. We saw parts of Holmes and Wayne Counties. The area is breathtaking.

If you are like me, and find driving past Amish farms to be one of life's most entertaining and peaceful pastimes, then you need to visit this part of Ohio.
Everywhere we turned, we saw something wonderful and/or interesting. As you can guess by my blog title, I love Amish horses, especially workhorses. I was completely in my element.

I told my friend, Lue, "This drive will be the inspiration behind my next novel."

These draft horses and draft mules were enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon about as much as I was.
 Hopefully, I've opened the gate just enough to encourage you to head into Amish country. Check out my books, they are all designed to take you on a virtual tour of an Amish farm.
Here is a link: Thomas Nye on Amazon
At first, the books look expencive, don't let that scare you away. They are available for much less if you scroll down. (click on the small words that say, "more buying choices" or "new and used") All of my novels are available as eBooks as well.

Isn't this about the most inviting road you've ever seen. Drive on ahead, I promise you won't be disappointed.