
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Horse Reunion

Kallie, Karla, Karma, and Coke

Coke, Karma, Karla, and Kalley
My horses spent the past several months at a "horse reunion."

My Percheron draft horse mares, Karma and Coke, were born and raised on my Amish friend's farm.These four horses are all closely related, and they hadn't been together since I brought two of them to my place about 9 years ago.

When not squeezed together for a picture, these stalls are perfect for big teams.
 The middle two horses in these photos are full sisters. My friend (I won't mention his name for privacy sake) helped me squeeze three big girls into one stall so I could get a photo of them.

My Amish friend is an amazing horseman and one of the nicest men you could ever meet. He likes these horses every bit as much as I do. He kept Karm and Coke over the winter and was really excited to get all four mares together again. He used to drive the full-sisters as a team until I took Karm home with me years ago. He had an idea, he thought maybe we should try putting the two sisters back together and the other two horses actually match well. I decided to give it a try. We haven't traded horses, yet, but we are considering it.
Karm and her full sister Karla
So, after several months of all four horses spending time together on my friend's farm, the reunion is over. I now have Karma and her sister Karla at my place. They are so much alike! I do miss my good friend Coke and I can tell Karm does as well. It's a tough decision to make, and I will keep you updated on what we end up doing.


  1. Seeking my horse bought at
    the Meadowlands, NJ 1/21/13
    by John Henry Byler of Middlefield. Mr byler has lost touch of the horse.
    He is a standard bred
    gelding w/ white blaze down
    nose, freeze fired on right
    rear leg, tattoo# 4F096. Sorely
    missed by me and my wife.
    I will arrange all payments
    & shipping costs. Call 732-928-4239
    CASH REWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So sorry for anonymous. I hope you find your horse.

    That would be a very hard decision to make!
