
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lamb of God

 What could be more sweet and gentle than a lamb? What an image for the Lord of Creation to choose for His Son. The Prince of Peace was slain for our transgressions... willing led like a sheep to the slaughter.
 The Lord of Glory humbly willing to wear a simple crown of thorns.
 Let us follow His example of humbleness and like Him become a servant of all.
Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered Him stricken by God
smitten by Him, and afflicted.
But He was pierced for our transgressions, and crushed for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
and by His wounds we are healed.
                                                                                                           Isaiah 53:4-5

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