
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Horse Girls

My little granddaughters definitely have their grandpa's love of horses!

Above, you see Peaches and Cocoa stabled up in the bedroom near the horse bedspread. (Yeah, Grandpa bought them those horses but as you can see, they've been rode hard and put away wet!)

At left you see Lyla riding a snow-horse, she and her daddy made. Below, Kinley riding a merry-go-round horse.  And, below right, Lyla with a stick horse her mama made for her.

These girls love to watch horse movies and shows!  Just a few days ago they came to see Grandpa, or should I say, to see Karma and Coke.  They brought out a big bag with apples, carrots and sugar cubes.  I had to limit the sugar!  They always spend a long time passing hay over the fence to their big friends.

Their mama, Lisa, is my daughter. She looked just like these girls at that age!

Lisa loved to ride along in the horse wagon but didn't play horses anywhere near as much as these girls do.  Although, my daughter is the one that carefully cut out all these paper horses her girls are playing with.

As they say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"

Miss Lyla, watching a horse drawn exhibit at our Fourth-of-July parade. The picture of Lyla sitting on Coke was taken that same day a few hours later.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love how much she loves horses.... reminds me of her aunt Bethany! :)
