
Friday, September 6, 2013

Bantams For Sale


       I always thought this Twin County Coon Hunt sign is a fun one!  It has hung here for years, on the corner of 500th and Hwy 1, near Kalona, Iowa.  I'm not sure who the coon hunters are, and I've never seen a sign at the other end of that 3 miles, so for me it is a mystery.

       When I saw the Bantams For Sale sign, I knew where that arrow was pointing, I go by that Amish farm everyday on my way to work.  As you can see by the pictures below, I went on over one evening and bought 3 Bantams.

       I stopped at this Amish farm around dusk and was met by a boy about 8 years old.  I told him that I was wanting to buy some Bantams (We call them Banties)  These chickens are a little smaller than your typical chickens, more feisty too!  This young man set out to sell me some of his large flock of Bantams, leading me back under some shadowy pines, where there were long low coops filled with chickens.  In only a few moments a crowd of his brothers and sisters were with us, as we looked at all the choices of color and ages in their chickens. I believe there were at least six children clumped around me as I tried to decide which chickens to take home.  The children were so cute, dressed in their Amish clothes and stood staring at this unfamiliar non-Amish man.  I told the group of siblings that I knew their grandpa and had bought horses from him before, they all grinned and I could tell I was not a stranger anymore after that.  The young man that was around 8 years old seemed to be the spokes person, that is until his older brother about 15 arrived and then I never heard another word out of the younger brother.  Older brother told me, "We're having Church here tomorrow, that's what all the activity is about!"
       I know that it is a big deal, when Amish host Church at their home.  They usually have relatives come over and help clean everything inside and out for about a week before the big day.  Before I left with my new rooster and two hens, the dad of the house had come around to see what was going on.  He knew who I was and remembered that I had bought horses from his Dad-In-Law.  I apologized for interrupting their preparations for hosting Church but he assured me that his children were more than eager to make a chicken sale!
        Then next morning we woke to the sound of our new rooster crowing.  On our way to Church we passed by this farm.  It looked "as clean as a whistle" and we could see a crowd, dressed in Sunday best seated on long benches inside a pole-building.  I had to wonder what it sounds like at that farm every morning when all their roosters are crowing.

       If you want to buy some Bantams, look for this sign about 5 miles north of Kalona! 

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