
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Shades of Blue

How about a few winter scenes from Amish country?

This horse is enjoying the power of solar heat on a chilly morning.

Note: people often panic about how cold horses must be. Keep in mind that they, like deer, buffalo, cattle, moose and other creatures, have built-in defenses for all weather conditions.
Fortunately, horses and cattle have people providing them with food, open water, and shelter. Deer, buffalo and other wild animals have to fend for themselves.
 Snow and cold make farm life difficult. Amish people don't let it keep them from doing what must be done.
 Many hands make light work.

 Dashing through the snow.
 Winter shades of blue and gray with a hint of fire!
 Horses know how to stay out of the wind and how to use solar power.
 Sometimes you have to shovel around a gate to get the thing open!